Apple has resumed selling its latest Apple Watches after they were recently banned due to the violation of a patent from another company, Masimo. The Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 were banned due to a ruling by the United States International Trade Commission that stated that the watches were in violation of Masimo's patent for a pulse oximeter, which uses light-based technology to measure blood oxygen. Apple is appealing the decision, so they may not be in the clear yet, but the government has permitted them to keep selling the watches while they continue the investigation.
Fact of the Day: The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.
Quote of the Day: Courage is grace under pressure. (Ernest Hemingway)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Ubiquitous (adj)- Ubiquitous is a synonym of widespread and describes things that are actually, or seemingly, seen or encountered everywhere.
In a Sentence: Though they were once a status symbol reserved only for those with considerable means, smartphones are now a ubiquitous technology.