Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has fled the country after incursions by rebels, bringing an end to the country's fierce 13-year war.
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Fact of the Day (Reader's Digest): The word "cookie" comes from the Dutch "koekjes," which came from the Dutch "koek," meaning "cake." Cookie was introduced to English in the very early 18th century, but it is thought that this term caught on more in the United States due to the strong Dutch heritage in early America.
Quote of the Day: Focus is a matter of deciding what things you’re not going to do. (John Carmack)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Galvanize (verb)- To galvanize people is to cause them to be so excited or concerned about something that they are driven to action.
In a Sentence: The council’s proposal to close the library has galvanized the town’s residents.