Ukraine has launched another offensive into the Kursk, further growing their territory in a Russian region that suffered from another Ukrainian incursion last year.
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Fact of the Day: Penguins weren't always this small. Scientists have found that giant penguins lived around 60 million years ago, averaging around 5 and a half feet tall and weighing around 250 pounds. The tallest specimen ever found was 6 and a half feet tall, while the heaviest specimen was over 350 pounds.
Quote of the Day: It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. (Theodore Roosevelt)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Cerulean (adj, suh-ROO-lee-un) - Cerulean describes things whose blue color resembles the blue of a clear sky.
In a Sentence: The painting depicts leafless trees bordering a cerulean lake.