Almost 3,600 prisoners have escaped from Haiti's largest penitentiary amid protests against their government. They reported that heavily armed criminals arrived and freed the prisoners in the jail as a protest after injuring multiple people at the site, and the capital of Port-au-Prince is in chaos. A surge of violence due to protests has taken place over the past few days, and citizens are also afraid of the thousands of criminals now lurking free of the penitentiary. Cars have been destroyed, guns have been fired in public spaces, and police stations have been attacked and burned down in these violent protests, which are mainly against Prime Minister Ariel Henry. Gang leaders have threatened to forcefully take control of the country and oust him if he does not step down, and that could possibly happen if gangs keep the current control they have over a majority of the capital. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled Haiti and countries are starting to urge their citizens to leave the island as gang violence increases, with over 1,100 people being kidnapped, injured, or killed in just January. Port-au-Prince has become extremely unsafe for everyone in these conditions, as criminals and gangs are walking the streets with deadly weapons while protests against Ariel Henry continue.
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Fact of the Day: Lobsters taste with their feet. They also have their teeth in one of their three stomachs.
Quote of the Day: You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore. (William Faulkner)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Connive (verb)- To connive is to secretly help someone do something dishonest or illegal.
In a Sentence: Roger suspected that his coworkers were conniving to get him fired when in reality they were planning his surprise birthday party.