Everyone living in India has been given a week longer to come and return the no-longer-in-use 2,000 rupee note, which was taken out of action by the Reserve Bank of India in May. The note was introduced in 2016 as a part of the government's effort to demonetize the economy and curb black money and corruption, but the RBI stopped printing notes in 2019. Notes are now being returned and exchanged because the central bank is trying to stop the circulation of high-value notes, and it is working. 96% of all 2,000 rupee notes have been returned and exchanged, as there were 3.56 trillion rupees in the form of 2,000 rupee notes around India in May, and that number had been curbed to 140 billion rupees by September 29. Now, in a last chance effort to make the percentage of notes returned to 100%, the government is extending the deadline to return the notes by a week, making the new date October 7. If you still have some, you can return them at any of the RBI's 19 issue offices around India, otherwise they will no longer be considered legal tender after the deadline.
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Fact of the Day: The word "strengths" is the longest word in the English language that only contains one vowel.
Quote of the Day: If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. (Milton Berle)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Echt (adj)- Echt is an adjective used mostly in formal or literary speech and writing as a synonym of authentic, genuine, and true.
In a Sentence: An echt New Englander wouldn’t dream of putting tomatoes in their clam chowder.
Very interesting!