The founder and CEO of social media network Telegram has been arrested in Paris, France, on multiple different charges.
Upcoming Events for this week:
Should there be more restrictions for a safer online environment or less restrictions for a freer online environment?
More restrictions, safer online.
Less restrictions, freer online.
Are CEOs responsible for what happens online within their platform?
No, nobody is.
No, the company is.
Fact of the Day (Reader's Digest): The Seven Dwarfs in Snow White have names: Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Sneezy, Grumpy, Happy, and Sleepy.
Quote of the Day (Gracious Quotes): If you’re not failing 90% of the time, then you’re probably not working on sufficiently challenging problems. (Alan Kay)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Skirl (verb)- Skirl means "to play the bagpipes" when the subject of the sentence is a person, as in "the piper skirled." When bagpipes are the subject (as in "the bagpipes skirled"), skirl means "to emit the high shrill tone of the chanter," with chanter referring to the reed pipe on which the bagpipe's melody is played.
In a Sentence: The attention of the parade-goers was fully captured the instant the bagpipers began skirling.