A train crash injured over 500 people on Friday after two metro trains collided during rush hour in Beijing. The first train came to an emergency stop due to slippery tracks ahead, and a second train behind it failed to brake after coming down a slick slope and smashed into the back of the first train. 515 people were sent to the hospital after the incident, and 102 of them have been found to have suffered from a bone fracture of some sort. Two of the end carriages also detached after the crash, injuring more passengers as it separated from its original train. Officials confirmed that the entire incident was caused due to the brake failure and the dangerous weather conditions- Beijing has suffered from some snowfall as a wave of cold weather strikes the region.
Fact of the Day: If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn white. The goldfish produce melanin, as humans do, and their cells are not stimulated to produce it if they don't receive sunlight.
Quote of the Day: Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one. (Bruce Lee)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Aplomb (noun)- Aplomb means “complete and confident composure or self-assurance” and is a synonym of poise.
In a Sentence: On her first day as a teacher, June handled herself with aplomb, keeping the class engaged and focused.
Beautiful fact of the day and quote of the day