TikTok's appeal against a recently passed law has failed, meaning that the social media app is one step closer to being banned in the United States.
Fact of the Day (Reader's Digest): The largest one-day temperature hike ever recorded was in Loma, Montana, from January 14 to January 15 in 1972. On those days, the temps climbed from -54 degrees F to 49 degrees within 24 hours-- a 103-degree rise.
Quote of the Day: Maturity is not when we start speaking big things, it is when we start understanding small things. (Unknown)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Ambigram (noun)- An ambigram is an image of a written word or phrase that is intended or able to be oriented in either of two ways for viewing or reading.
In a Sentence: Angel started taking calligraphy classes to learn how to create ambigrams and other fun designs that can be read both upside down and right side up.