Our daily updates have received some big changes in the switch to Your News Hub, along with our redesigned site. The date for the update has changed, and is now the day that it is released. Also, we now include a quote of the day and word of the day. To view our YNH launch, visit this link on The Weekly News. Now, let's dive into today's news.
India's Space Research Organization has officially launched its historic third lunar exploration mission, called Chandrayaan-3, and is expected to land on the moon's south pole on August 23, 2023. The components are a lander and rover, making it quite similar to Chandrayaan-2, except this one does not include an orbiter.
Lastly, for information/stats about Tour de France, check out this article by Mihir Gupta!
NEW Quote of the Day: History is a vast early warning system. (Norman Cousins)
NEW Word of the Day: Comprise (Comprise is a verb that means "to be made up of (something); to include or consist of (something)."