Syrian rebel groups have made major progress in their largest offensive since 2020, taking control of the city of Aleppo and marking a huge step forward in the country's ongoing civil war.
Fact of the Day (Reader's Digest): Water's density is highest at 4 degrees Celsius, so its density decreases as the temperature gets lower from that densest point. This is why lakes and ponds freeze from the top down-- while the warmer water is pushed to the bottom, the colder water is lifted to the top, where it freezes. This contrasts with other particles, like air, where warmer particles rise and colder particles sink. This is also the reason why ice floats-- the ice is less dense than the cold water beneath it, so it stays at the top.
Quote of the Day: In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion.
(Albert Camus)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Obfuscate (verb)- To obfuscate something is to make it more difficult to understand. Obfuscate can also mean “to be evasive, unclear, or confusing.”
In a Sentence: The revised wording of the rule obfuscates its meaning.