Ten people are dead and at least 20 others are injured after a gas cylinder used for coffee spontaneously combusted while in use on an Indian passenger train in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. The train had left Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on August 17, and arrived in Madurai on Saturday afternoon. It was planned to stay there for two days, but that stay has become a lot longer. A passenger lit a gas stove that was used to make hot drinks like coffee while the train was stopped, and the stove immediately exploded, setting the train car on fire. Passengers had to break doors to get out in a mad scramble to escape the burning train car, and it took firefighters two hours to finally extinguish the fire. Some officials suspect that the gas stove was brought onboard and lit illegally, but the matter is still under investigation.
On another note, the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, has declared a state of emergency for the coastal state ahead of the oncoming tropical storm, which is expected to strengthen into a hurricane before making landfall in the Florida Panhandle in three to four days. It formed as a tropical depression on Saturday in the southern Gulf of Mexico, near the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, before strengthening into a tropical storm today. It will bring winds of over 80 mph to Florida, along with heavy rain and some storm surge. Meanwhile, Hurricane Franklin has bceome a Category 1, and it is expected to strengthen into a Category 4 hurricane as it passes Bermuda. It will not directly hit the British territory, but it will bring some heavy rain and high surf. The east coast of the United States could also be impacted by high waves and strong rip currents because of the storm, so make sure to watch out for those if you have beach plans this week.
Quote of the Day: Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.
(Coco Chanel)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Suffrage (noun)- Suffrage means “the right to vote in an election.”
In a Sentence: The Nineteenth Amendment, which granted suffrage to women, was certified on August 26, 1920, making it an official part of the Constitution of the United States.