India's Chandrayaan-3 lander has officially entered the moon's orbit, marking a huge step forward in the process to land on the moon. The lander launched on July 14 for the moon with a lander module and rover, and has arrived in the lunar orbit. They aim to land on the moon to take data, and it is expected to land there on August 23.
On another note, at least three people are dead after torrential rain struck Slovenia lately, sparking flash floods and multiple landslides. The damage costs are estimated to be over 500 million euros, and thousands of people have been evacuated as the floods wash away cars and homes. Roads have been destroyed as well, and officials estimate that at least two-thirds of the country has been affected- and most of the country that wasn't hit particularly hard are out of power, because the energy infrastructure also took a big hit. The Slovenian weather service said that the country received a month's worth of rain in a day, and it is taking a large toll on the country's citizens, electrical grid, and other infrastructure. The army is also stepping in to help isolated communities in northern Slovenia, and helicopters and boats are being used to evacuate anyone stranded in the high waters.
Quote of the Day: A somebody was once a nobody who wanted to and did.
(John Burroughs)
Word of the Day: Gumption- Gumption means “courage and confidence,” or in other words, “initiative.”