Over a dozen people were injured after a tram incident at Universal Studios Hollywood on Saturday night. The tram was carrying numerous passengers late into the evening, around 9:00 pm local time, when the driver made a quick turn into a studio lot. The tram suffered from a mechanical failure during the turn, according to the driver, and the last car smashed into a nearby guardrail, sending passengers tumbling out of the car. 15 people were sent to a hospital to be treated for mild injuries, and Universal is trying to find out the cause of the mechanical failure to prevent the incident from happening again.
Fact of the Day (Reader's Digest): Humans can only use 0.007% of Earth's water, as only 2.5% of it is fresh water and even less of that is accessible.
Quote of the Day (Gracious Quotes): High expectations are the key to everything. (Sam Walton)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Palpable (adj)- Something described as palpable is obvious and notable. Palpable may also be used as a synonym of tangible to describe something that can be perceived by one's sense of touch.
In a Sentence: The tension in the courtroom was palpable as the jury foreman stood to announce the verdict.