There were some big wins and losses for movies at the Oscars on Sunday night, with Oppenheimer taking home most of the big prizes. Oppenheimer dominated the night, bringing home seven Oscars: Best Actor (Cillian Murphy), Best Picture, Best Director (Christopher Nolan), Best Supporting Actor (Robert Downey Jr.), Best Original Score, Best Cinematography, and Best Film Editing. Another big winner was Poor Things, bringing home Best Actress (Emma Stone), Best Costume Design, Best Makeup and Hairstyling, and Best Production Design. Before the Oscars, Oppenheimer and Poor Things were looking good, with 13 and 11 nominations, respectively. However, Killers of the Flower Moon was shut out, going in with 10 nominations and emerging with nothing to show for it. Also, the producers of Barbie were slightly disappointed as well, as the box office hit came in with 9 nominations and only came out with one Oscar for Best Original Song, which was What Was I Made For? by FINNEAS and Billie Eilish. Overall, it was a riveting 96th Academy Awards hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, and you can watch the replay with either FuboTV, Sling TV, or Hulu in the United States. It can be watched on ITV in the United Kingdom or 7PLUS in Australia.
Fact of the Day: For less than a month, between December 18, 1934 and January 9, 1935, the United States Treasury printed $100,000 bills. They had Woodrow Wilson's face on them, but they never went into public circulation-- they were only exchanged within the government.
Quote of the Day: Fall seven times, stand up eight. (Japanese Proverb)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Refurbish (verb)- To refurbish something is to brighten or freshen it up, or to repair and make improvements to it.
In a Sentence: They are refurbishing the old house with the hopes of selling it for a profit.