Pakistan has sentenced their former prime minister, Imran Khan, to prison for 10 years. He took office in 2018 before being ousted from his position when the parliament passed a no confidence vote in August of 2022. He has been in jail since then after ruled guilty of corruption, which gave him 3 years in prison, but they have added on another 10 years due to leaking state secrets. This comes just days before Pakistan's general elections on February 8, and his former foreign minister was given an equal sentence as well. After being ousted in 2022, people across the country rallied and protested, and when he was sentenced to another 10 years, a bomb struck Pakistan's Balochistan region, killing 3 people and injuring 7 others.
Fact of the Day: The blob of toothpaste on your toothbrush is called a nurdle.
Quote of the Day: Good can exist without evil, whereas evil cannot exist without good. (Thomas Aquinas)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Bailiwick (noun)- Bailiwick refers to the domain or sphere in which someone has superior knowledge or authority.
In a Sentence: Fundraising events are his bailiwick.