NEW Contents:
Smoke from the infamous Canadian wildfires is picking up again, with over 885 active wildfires burning across almost every single territory and province. The out-of-control wildfires are the worst in Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories, but the wildfire danger is the worst in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Northwest Territories. The smoke is spilling over into the United States yet again, with the air quality in the cities of Chicago, Minneapolis, and Detroit some of the worst in the world over the past few days. However, despite the thousands of firefighters fighting the flames, the blazes show no sign of letting up.
On another note, the popular American grocery store, Trader Joe's, has announced a recall on their Almond Windmill Cookies with sell by dates of 10/19/23 to 10/21/23 or their Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies with sell by dates of 10/17/23 through 10/21/23. The cookies have been recalled because they have been discovered to contain rocks, and Trader Joe's has told consumers to definitely not eat them- rocks are not exactly the ideal ingredient in a cookie!
Lastly, Sunday was the last day of Tour de France, the famous bike race! To figure out the winner (and some more information/stats), check out this article by Mihir Gupta!
Quote of the Day (BrainyQuote): I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein)
Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster): Null- Null is a technical term. In law it is commonly used in the phrase "null and void" to describe something that has no legal or binding force. Null also has several zero-related meanings, including "amounting to nothing," "having no value," "having no elements," "having zero as a limit," and "of, being, or relating to zero."
Good article
Such a great news update. Well written! NN
I am really enjoying reading your news on the new site. The upgrades with hyperlinks are easy to use and quote/word of the day makes it a lot of fun to read.